NO to gas-fired dispossession  Stand with Gomeroi against Santos


Gomeroi Ngaarr means Gomeroi strong

Gomeroi people have cared for the sacred lands and waters of the Pillaga in North-West NSW since time immemorial.

Prevent this disaster

These lands are currently being threatened by Australian gas company Santos. They want to build 850 coal-seam gas wells over the next 20 years. This would be a disaster for the climate, the waters of the Great Artesian basin and many threatened species.

Attack on Gomeroi rights

In December 2022, the National Native Title Tribunal ruled in favour of an application from Santos to enforce the gas project despite Gomeori opposition. In March 2024, this decision was overturned by the Federal Court due to the failure of the Tribunal to properly consider the issue of climate change. Santos are still pressing ahead with their plans and will likely return to the Tribunal with a similar application. Gomeroi Ngaarr is an online portal for the campaign to stop this disgraceful attack.

Sovereignty has never been ceded.

Supporters can read our endorsed statement, hear from Gomeroi people and get more information about the Santos project and the campaign.

Campaign Supporters

The Gomeroi Ngaarr website is being administered by a collective of Gomeroi people supported by Jumbunna Research, University of Technology Sydney. Photos on the site courtesy of NorthWest Protection Advocacy and the Pilliga Push documentary.
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